Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Blueberry Dazzler

Tis the season for blueberries and I find myself buying some every time I pop into Whole Foods. The deep blue colour satisfies my daily need for antioxidants while the delectable flavour is just perfect for my sweet cravings, especially around 4 p.m.

I've been tossing in a handful of blueberries in my cereal (Kashi Honeypuffed) and eating them as a snack in the afternoons, but it wasn't until yesterday that I used these sweet little sugarpops in an intersting way - I made a smoothie! You may wonder why I'm all excited about it so I have to shamefully declare that I've never made smoothies so this was embarassingly momentous for me. It was so brainless that I've been kicking myself for not having made such nutritious, delicious, filling drinks earlier in life. I suppose there's always a first time for everything!

Blueberry Dazzler

3/4 cup mango juice (or use any juice you have)
1/2 cup plain yogurt
1 banana, sliced and forzen
Two handfuls of fresh or frozen blueberries

Pour the juice into a blender or food processor. Add the yogurt and process until smooth.

Add the banana and half of the bluberries and process well, then add the remaining blueberries and process until smooth. Pour the mixtuer into a tall glasses and decorate with whole fresh blueberries and serve.

I can' wait to make blueberry pancakes next. Maybe this weekend...


Blogger The Yankee said...

I am making that tonight for dessert!

7:19 AM  
Blogger gs said...

wow,how i wish i could make it for breakfast!

9:16 PM  
Blogger lulu said...

hi appa,
can't you get frozen blueberries at suryodaya?

6:59 PM  

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